Food Justice: Growing Food and Feeding People with Karen Washington

Karen Washington


5 to 8 p.m., Nov. 30, 2023

Join the Pima Community College’s Department of Ethnic, Gender, Transborder Studies and Sociology for their 7th Annual Raquel Rubio Goldsmith Lecture presenting Karen Washington.

Food Justice:
Growing Food and Feeding People

 Karen Washington is a farmer and community activist, striving to make New York City a better place to live. As a community gardener and board member of the New York Botanical Gardens, she worked with Bronx neighborhoods to turn empty lots into community gardens. As an advocate, and former president of the New York City Community Garden Coalition, she stood up and spoke out for garden protection and preservation. As a member of the La Familia Verde Garden Coalition, she helped launch a City Farms Market, bringing fresh vegetables to the community. In 2010, she co-founded Black Urban Growers (BUGS), an organization supporting growers in both urban and rural
settings. Karen is a board member of Soul Fire Farm. She is a former board member and co-founder of Farm School NYC, leading workshops on growing food and food justice across the country. She sits on the Why Hunger advisory board, bringing grassroots support organizations aimed at ending hunger.

Reception with food 5 - 6 p.m.
Lecture 6 - 8 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023
Downtown Campus, Amethyst Room

Register here 

The event will also be live-streamed on 

FREE and open to the public!
English live captioning will be provided.