K-12 Educators


As a Title VI National Resource Center, the Center for Latin American Studies has a strong dedication to enhancing awareness, knowledge, and engagement with Latin America. One of our key efforts involves reaching out to K12 educators in local communities and across the nation. Our goal is to assist and empower teachers by offering them various avenues to enrich their understanding of Latin America and integrate this knowledge into their classrooms.

We're committed to creating supportive environments where educators can collaboratively generate, improve, and broaden their grasp of Latin American subjects. Our partnership extends to teachers across different grade levels and subjects. We're here to provide valuable resources that include:


Contact Us

The Center for Latin American Studies outreach program is designed with teachers needs in mind and we are here to serve the educators throughout Southern Arizona. Your feedback and suggestions for improvement are greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, concerns or new ideas for outreach. We look forward to hearing from you or seeing you in our Center soon!

Katrina Dillon
Assistant Director for Outreach Programs