5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Oct. 30, 2024
Join CLAS on our co-sponsor hybrid event about Calaveras!
Calaveras are allegorical and burlesque poems that are written to commemorate (celebrate) the Day of the Dead.
Its roots are found in the medieval poems called Dances of Death that remind us that we must live contentedly (Carpe Diem) since death, in Mexico, La Calaca, takes us all to the pantheon and in death we will all be equal.
They are dedicated to our friends, politicians, enemies, artists. Skulls can be loving, satirical, ironic, parodic. They can be anonymous or author's.
In this writing workshop we paint ourselves and when we are inspired, we write!!
To register click here
By Instructor: Dr. Alba Nora Martínez
This event is in Spanish.