Spring 2023 Charlas con café (In Person): The Militarization of Immigration Controls in Mexico and the Effects on Women's Human Rights



1 – 2:30 p.m., March 24, 2023


Center for Latin American Studies, Spring 2023 Charlas con Café – a weekly space to hear lectures from a wide variety of experts and discuss topics relevant to the Latin American region, Fridays from 1-2 p.m. (unless otherwise specified).

Although 2019 marks a turning point in the militarization of border controls and immigration checks in Mexico with the participation of the National Guard, the militarization of immigration control is much more complex than the presence of soldiers in immigration checks. The Mexican State, in line with many countries in the Latin American region and the United States, has been gradually consolidating a militarization process that, for the last twenty years, has been pointing to migrants as threats to national security. Through fieldwork at Mexico's southern border between 2018 and 2023, she analyzes how the militarization of border control has been a continuum of migration policies and is contrary to a human rights approach, thus exposing migrants, specially women who are in severe risks from the moment they access Mexican territory.

Dr. Alethia Fernández is a full time researcher at the Institute of Legal Research of UNAM and Coordinator of the National Diversities Laboratory of UNAM and of the institutional research track: "Rights, Migrations and Mobilities". She received the National University Distinction Award for Young Scholars 2021. She coordinates the Diploma “Gender and Equality Policies” and “International Law for Refugees and International Protection in Mexico” at UNAM. Her book Caravanas in co-authorship with Luciana Gandini and Juan Carlos Narváez was awarded the 2019 - 2020 "Willian M. LeoGrande Award” as the best book on Latin American Studies by the Center for Latin American Studies at the American University.

Zoom Registration Link: https://arizona.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkc-2opjkvGdHpR4vvv2HoquGcNE…;


Kristal Natera