Join us for a FREE FILM SCREENING of Tarpuna: El Maíz with producer, Dr. Pilar Egüez Guevara, on Sunday April 14, 2024 12-1:30pm, at FORGE at Roy Place - 44 North Stone Avenue.
This event is part of Pueblos del Maíz Festival. For more information about Pueblos de Maiz Festival, please click here
Film Synopsis:
“El Maíz (Corn)” is the first episode of the documentary series Tarpuna, which means “to sow” in Kichwa. Guardians from the highlands of Ecuador share their skills and traditions to preserve, exchange and reproduce their most sacred seed.
🏆 Official Selection VI Ethnographic Film Festival, Ecuador 2021.
Q&A with producer Dr. Pilar Eguez Guevara
Pilar Egüez Guevara, PhD, is an Ecuadorian cultural anthropologist, writer and award-winning filmmaker. She is co-founder and director of “Comidas que Curan” (Foods that Cure), a food education and media company dedicated to researching and promoting traditional foods and knowledge through ethnographic research and film. Her films have been screened in three different languages across North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. She is producer of the documentary series Tarpuna by the Seed Savers of Ecuador.
To register, please click here
This event is co-sponsored by the UArizona Center for Latin American Studies and Tucson City of Gastronomy.