Free Film Screening: Sansón and Me

Sanson and Me flyer


4 to 6 p.m., Nov. 18, 2024
The Center for Latin American Studies and the School of Government & Public Policy invite you to the free film screening of Sansón and Me, a film by Rodrigo Reyes, on Monday, Nov. 18, starting at 4pm at the Student Union, Gallagher Theater.
During his day job as a Spanish criminal interpreter in a small town in California, filmmaker Rodrigo Reyes (499) met a young man named Sansón, an undocumented Mexican immigrant who was sentenced to life in prison without parole. With no permission to interview him, Sansón and Reyes worked together over a decade, using hundreds of letters as inspiration for recreations of Sansón’s childhood—featuring members of Sansón's own family. The result is a vibrant portrait of a friendship navigating immigration and the depths of the criminal justice system and pushing the boundaries of cinematic imagination to rescue a young migrant's story from oblivion.
In person: Director, Rodrigo Reyes
Watch trailer here.