Stacie Widdifield

Research: She continues her interdisciplinary work with Dr. Jeffrey M. Banister (School of Geography and Development, and the Southwest Center, UA) on the visual culture of modern water in Mexico City supported by an American Council of Learned Societies Collaborative Research Fellowship. The project follows the impact of Xochimilco and Lerma systems in the art history, history, and urban environment of Mexico through today. She is also a collaborator with Jeff Banister and Dr. Amy C. McCoy (Research Associate, Southwest Center, UA) in a new project: Salt in the Archives: an ironic cultural heritage of salinity in the Mexicali Valley, Baja California. She is also a member of the UA interdisciplinary cultural heritage research group Seminar on the Edge: Expressions of Shared Heritages throughout Bounding Spaces I (a permanent seminar of the SBS-Mexico Initiatives unit). Widdifield has a strong interest in digital art history and how technologies shape knowledge; she also supports the integration of new technologies in the classroom as a means to organize and present research. Her previous projects have focused on history, gender, landscape, nationalism, and institutions in 19th and early 20th century Mexico.