Diego Leal

Social Sciences 433
I'm broadly interested in the analysis of social network dynamics. I focus on the social networks aspects of relational inequalities, mostly as they manifest in the emergence and evolution of international migration systems and minority health outcomes. I use a variety of methods, from focus groups to agent-based computational models.
My work has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, Social Networks, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, PLoS ONE, and several other outlets. The quality of my research has been recognized through the James S. Coleman Outstanding Publication Award from the Rationality and Society section of the American Sociological Association. Among others, my research has been funded by national/federal organizations such as the Colombian Agency of Science (COLCIENCIAS), the National Cancer Institute (NCI - NIH), and the Defense Health Agency (DHA - MHSR). My collaborators and I have been awarded over $1 million in research grants.
Nací y crecí en Bogotá, Colombia. Para más información en español sobre sobre mis investigaciones, no dudes en escribirme un correo a dflc@arizona.edu