Erebus Moeller

Erebus Moeller is a current M.A. student enrolled in the Latin American Studies program and pursuing certification with the University of Arizona in Human Rights and Documentary Media. Their main academic foci are centered around water rights, environmental policy, applied anthropological methodologies, and indigenous communities in Guatemala. They earned a Bachelor of Art in Anthropology and a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance from the University of Arizona in 2020. During their final year of undergraduate studies, they began working with the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology first as an intern and then as a post-baccalaureate researcher, allowing them to pursue multiple projects focused on environmental issues in the greater Arizona region. While working to complete their M.A. with the University of Arizona they have been pursuing the acquisition of Kaqchikel (a Mayan language) with the University of Kansas during the academic year. They were also awarded the Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Award in 2023 to participate in the Oxlajuj Aj Kaqchikel program in Guatemala with Tulane University. Outside of academics they pursue martial arts and are a fervent backpacker.