Nicole Antebi

Nicole Antebi she/her(s) is an animator/filmmaker who makes things that move, loop, and sometimes hold. She came of age on the northwest bank of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo on the El Paso/Juárez border. The importance of movement as it concerns the dignity of people and rivers was a formative part of her childhood and the foundation of the work she does today. She is an assistant professor of Illustration and Animation at The University of Arizona and previously taught at CUNY Queens College, SUNY Albany, and 2019 she was a visiting professor at la Universidad de las Américas, Puebla.
She recently finalized an animated essay film titled 100 Partially Obscured Views/100 Vistas Parcialmente Oscurecidas, tracing the roots of colonial treaties, policies, and personal history through a series of archival postcards. The film periodically returns to the center of the river with two names as a site of witness and arrival in this contemporary moment. Currently on view at the Tucson Museum of Art Arizona 2023 Biennial.
Last year she completed a web series about the history, science, tools, and future of vaccines and viruses for The American Museum of Natural History with generous support from The City of New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
When she is not working on the above projects she performs small animated actions in relationship to cast off natural materials found in the world.