Raleigh Addington

Raleigh's background is a plethora of experiences ranging from scuba dive guide and international program trip leader to Peace Corps Paraguay community economic development volunteer and third-grade teacher. With a B.A. in Economics, International Business, and Spanish, Raleigh is currently in his final year of a dual degree master's in Latin American Studies and Public Health: One Health at the University of Arizona, where he is also a Coverdell Fellow. Raleigh received the Tinker Field Research Grant and funds from the MEZCOPH Dean's Fund to travel to Paraguay in the Summer of 2023 for his CLAS thesis research. While in Paraguay, he collaborated with key informants to implement a mixed method survey and interview study on traditional and Western medicine as well as the practice of tereré/mate and use of Pohã Ñana (medicinal plants) pre, during and post Pandemic. After graduation, he aspires to continue collaborating with communities and countries in the western hemisphere while learning more about salud, languages, and his role wherever he may go next.