
Son Joracho from Veracruz: Exploration of Music and Dance Forms

Smithsonian Folkways

This lesson plan is adaptable and reaches levels from 3rd to 12th grade. Students will be able to listen to music, analyzing lyrics and beats while also getting to know the culture of Mexico through music and dance. The materials for the lesson include audio which needs to be purchased from Smithsonian Folkway site.

Spicy Salsa Lemon Merengue

Center for Latin American Studies at University of Arizona

This unit includes a lesson plan for each level of education including elementary, middle and high school. Students will be introduced to Latin American through music and will learn to appreciate other cultures. This lesson allows students to become familar with various artists in Latin America and even learn more about the histories of these music forms

Latin American Protest Songs: New Song of Chile and Cuba

Kait LaPorte of University of Washington

In this lesson plan, students will learn about the music of the New Song movement by engaging with melodies, rhythms and lyrics of four selections from the Cancion Protesta: Protest Songs of Latin America album. This lesson highlights the role music can play in social protest, as well as the specific historical, political and cultural contexts of the songs.
Grade Level