Resources Table

Title Author Date Attachments Tags
Latin American Protest Songs: New Song of Chile and Cuba Kait LaPorte of University of Washington Latin America_Music_Latin American Protest Songs in Cuba and Puerto Rico.docx
Taste Some Bolivian Foods Mennonite Central Committee Bolivia_Food_Taste Some Bolivian Foods.pdf
Sing Some Brazilian Songs Brazil_Culture_Sing Some Brazilian Songs.pdf
The Cost of Coffee Honduras_History_The Cost of Coffee.docx
Making a Papier Mache Pinata Virginia Glass Schlabach Mexico_Art_Making a Papier Mache Pinata.pdf
La Loteria: A Mexican Bingo Game Arizona State Museum Mexico_History_La Loteria, A Mexican Bingo Game.pdf
Making a Mola Panama_Art_Making A Mola.pdf
Costa Rica Unit Costa Rica_Social Studies_Costa Rica Unit.docx
Introduction to Guatemala The Rice School Guatemala_History_Introduction to Guatemala.docx
Come Bien, Eat Right: Promoting Healthy Nutrition and Dual Language Development through Daily Singing in English and Spanish Jose-Luis Orozco Latin America_Music_Come Bien, Eat Right.pdf
Traditional Mexican Paper Cutting Mexico_Art_Traditional Mexican Paper Cutting.pdf
Mysteries of the Maya Calendar Museum: A Guide for Teachers & Librarians Ben Leeming, The Rivers School
South American Adventures South America_Social Studies_ South American Adventures.pdf
Ecuador: People and their Impact on the Environment Catherine Hall, Crane Middle School Ecuador_Social Studies_People and their Impact on the Environment.pdf
Argentine Birds in Myth and Superstition Virginia G. Gibbs Argentina_Language Arts_Argentine Birds in Myth and Superstition.pdf
Bonkers for Bailecitos in Bolivia Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Middle Tennessee State University, Bolivia_Music_Bonkers for Bailecitos in Bolivia.pdf
Carnival and Samba Procession Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_History_Carnival and Samba Procession.pdf
Unit Study on Candomble Brenda Guevara Brazil_Social Studies_Candomble Unit.pdf
Word Puzzles Virginia G. Gibbs Carribean_Language Arts_Word Puzzles.pdf
Reading a Folktale about Women in the Dominican Republic Virginia G. Gibbs Dominican Republic_Social Studies_Reading a Folktale about Women in the Dominican Republic.pdf
The Achievements and Challenges of Guatemala Guatemala_Social Studies and STEM_The Achievements and Challenges of Guatemala.docx
Cracking the Mayan Code Latin America_History_Cracking the Maya Code.pdf
Studying Vital Statistics and the Quality of Life Virginia G. Gibbs Latin America_Social Studies_Studying Vital Statistics and the Quality of Life.pdf
Making Retablos Virginia G. Gibbs Mexico_Art_Making Retablos.pdf
Crossing the Line Carole Ambroziak Barnes, Doolen Middle School
Panama Canal Zone Activity Panama_Geography_Panama Canal Zone Activity.pdf
An Aymara Song Virginia G. Gibbs Peru_Language Arts_An Aymara Song.pdf
Minidrama Concerning Machismo Virginia G. Gibbs Venezuela_Culture_Minidrama Concerning Machismo.pdf
Two Exercises Relating to Family Trees Virginia G. Gibbs Venezuela_Language Arts_Two Excercises Relating to Family Trees.pdf
The Geopolitics of Water: Two Case Studies on the Brazil and Turkey Dam Projects UA Center for Latin American Studies Brazil_Social Studies_Geopolitics of Water.pdf
U.S. and Cuba Relations Joy Brewster Cuba_History_Cuba and U.S. Relations.docx
Globalization in Latin America: Migration and Trade Patterns Latin America_Language Arts and Social Studies_Globalization in LA.pdf
The Role of the Military in Latin America Roger Thayer Stone,Tulane University Latin America_Social Studies_The Role of Military in LA.pdf
The Bracero Program: A Case Study of Cooperation Mexico_History_The Bracero Program.pdf
Border Issues Lauren Dasse, Former UA LAS Student Mexico_Social Studies_Border Issues and Human Rights.pdf
Brazil: The Culture of Social Development Dianne Russo, Lyndon Baines Johnson High School Brazil_The Culture of Social Development Unit.pdf
Booklist of Award Winning Books Rachel Juarez, LAS Education Outreach Assistant at University of Arizona Booklist of Award Winning Books.xlsx
History and Evolution of the Mariachi Richard R. Obregon, The University of Arizona Mexico_Music_History and Evolution of Mariachi.pdf
Latin American Food Worksheet Milliken Publishing Co. Latin American Food Worksheet.pdf
"Parties, Pinatas and Plays" Christmas Script Parties, Pinatas and Plays Script.pdf
Analysis Worksheets Education Staff, National Archives and Records Administration Analysis Worksheets.pdf
Communista! Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz Latin America_Social Studies_Communista.pdf
Carnaval Games, Toys and Traditions NC Migrant Education Brazil_Art_Carnaval Games, Toys and Traditions.pdf
Carnaval Unit Center for Latin American Studies at University of Arizona Brazil_Language Arts_Carnaval.pdf
Journey into Amazonia Terra Fretwell, Robert Frostick Journey into Amazonia Unit.docx
Matchbox Shrines Arizona State Museum Mexico_Art_Matchbox Shrines.pdf
Tohono O'odham Dice Stick Game Mexico_History_Tohono O'odham Dice Stick Game.pdf
La Carretanagua Nicaragua_Language Arts_La Carretanagua (in spanish).docx
My name is Celia, The Life of Celia Cruz Cuba_Music_My Name is Celia.doc
Music of Chorti Indians of Guatemala Melanie West at University of Washington Guatemala_Music_Music of Chorti Indians of Guatemala (5-6 and 7-8).pdf