Latin American Protest Songs: New Song of Chile and Cuba
Kait LaPorte of University of Washington |
Latin America_Music_Latin American Protest Songs in Cuba and Puerto Rico.docx
Taste Some Bolivian Foods
Mennonite Central Committee |
Bolivia_Food_Taste Some Bolivian Foods.pdf
Sing Some Brazilian Songs
Brazil_Culture_Sing Some Brazilian Songs.pdf
The Cost of Coffee
Honduras_History_The Cost of Coffee.docx
Making a Papier Mache Pinata
Virginia Glass Schlabach |
Mexico_Art_Making a Papier Mache Pinata.pdf
La Loteria: A Mexican Bingo Game
Arizona State Museum |
Mexico_History_La Loteria, A Mexican Bingo Game.pdf
Making a Mola
Panama_Art_Making A Mola.pdf
Costa Rica Unit
Costa Rica_Social Studies_Costa Rica Unit.docx
Introduction to Guatemala
The Rice School |
Guatemala_History_Introduction to Guatemala.docx
Come Bien, Eat Right: Promoting Healthy Nutrition and Dual Language Development through Daily Singing in English and Spanish
Jose-Luis Orozco |
Latin America_Music_Come Bien, Eat Right.pdf
Traditional Mexican Paper Cutting
Mexico_Art_Traditional Mexican Paper Cutting.pdf
Mysteries of the Maya Calendar Museum: A Guide for Teachers & Librarians
Ben Leeming, The Rivers School |
South American Adventures
South America_Social Studies_ South American Adventures.pdf
Ecuador: People and their Impact on the Environment
Catherine Hall, Crane Middle School |
Ecuador_Social Studies_People and their Impact on the Environment.pdf
Argentine Birds in Myth and Superstition
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Argentina_Language Arts_Argentine Birds in Myth and Superstition.pdf
Bonkers for Bailecitos in Bolivia
Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Middle Tennessee State University, |
Bolivia_Music_Bonkers for Bailecitos in Bolivia.pdf
Carnival and Samba Procession
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_History_Carnival and Samba Procession.pdf
Unit Study on Candomble
Brenda Guevara |
Brazil_Social Studies_Candomble Unit.pdf
Word Puzzles
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Carribean_Language Arts_Word Puzzles.pdf
Reading a Folktale about Women in the Dominican Republic
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Dominican Republic_Social Studies_Reading a Folktale about Women in the Dominican Republic.pdf
The Achievements and Challenges of Guatemala
Guatemala_Social Studies and STEM_The Achievements and Challenges of Guatemala.docx
Cracking the Mayan Code
Latin America_History_Cracking the Maya Code.pdf
Studying Vital Statistics and the Quality of Life
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Latin America_Social Studies_Studying Vital Statistics and the Quality of Life.pdf
Making Retablos
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Mexico_Art_Making Retablos.pdf
Crossing the Line
Carole Ambroziak Barnes, Doolen Middle School |
Panama Canal Zone Activity
Panama_Geography_Panama Canal Zone Activity.pdf
An Aymara Song
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Peru_Language Arts_An Aymara Song.pdf
Minidrama Concerning Machismo
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Venezuela_Culture_Minidrama Concerning Machismo.pdf
Two Exercises Relating to Family Trees
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Venezuela_Language Arts_Two Excercises Relating to Family Trees.pdf
The Geopolitics of Water: Two Case Studies on the Brazil and Turkey Dam Projects
UA Center for Latin American Studies |
Brazil_Social Studies_Geopolitics of Water.pdf
U.S. and Cuba Relations
Joy Brewster |
Cuba_History_Cuba and U.S. Relations.docx
Globalization in Latin America: Migration and Trade Patterns
Latin America_Language Arts and Social Studies_Globalization in LA.pdf
The Role of the Military in Latin America
Roger Thayer Stone,Tulane University |
Latin America_Social Studies_The Role of Military in LA.pdf
The Bracero Program: A Case Study of Cooperation
Mexico_History_The Bracero Program.pdf
Border Issues
Lauren Dasse, Former UA LAS Student |
Mexico_Social Studies_Border Issues and Human Rights.pdf
Brazil: The Culture of Social Development
Dianne Russo, Lyndon Baines Johnson High School |
Brazil_The Culture of Social Development Unit.pdf
Booklist of Award Winning Books
Rachel Juarez, LAS Education Outreach Assistant at University of Arizona |
Booklist of Award Winning Books.xlsx
History and Evolution of the Mariachi
Richard R. Obregon, The University of Arizona |
Mexico_Music_History and Evolution of Mariachi.pdf
Latin American Food Worksheet
Milliken Publishing Co. |
Latin American Food Worksheet.pdf
"Parties, Pinatas and Plays" Christmas Script
Parties, Pinatas and Plays Script.pdf
Analysis Worksheets
Education Staff, National Archives and Records Administration |
Analysis Worksheets.pdf
Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz |
Latin America_Social Studies_Communista.pdf
Carnaval Games, Toys and Traditions
NC Migrant Education |
Brazil_Art_Carnaval Games, Toys and Traditions.pdf
Carnaval Unit
Center for Latin American Studies at University of Arizona |
Brazil_Language Arts_Carnaval.pdf
Journey into Amazonia
Terra Fretwell, Robert Frostick |
Journey into Amazonia Unit.docx
Matchbox Shrines
Arizona State Museum |
Mexico_Art_Matchbox Shrines.pdf
Tohono O'odham Dice Stick Game
Mexico_History_Tohono O'odham Dice Stick Game.pdf
La Carretanagua
Nicaragua_Language Arts_La Carretanagua (in spanish).docx
My name is Celia, The Life of Celia Cruz
Cuba_Music_My Name is Celia.doc
Music of Chorti Indians of Guatemala
Melanie West at University of Washington |
Guatemala_Music_Music of Chorti Indians of Guatemala (5-6 and 7-8).pdf