
Form and Theme in the Traditional Mexican Corrido

Students will learn about the traditional Mexican music form of corridos, which dates back to the 1800's and continues to be very popular. They will analyze the themes and literary devices used in corridos such as "El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez" and "EL Moro de Cumpas". This lesson will culminate in students writing their own corridos based on the traditional form.
Grade Level

Corrido Curriculum Packet

In this lesson, students will be introduced to causes of the Mexican Revolution and key revolutionary figures. They will gain an understanding of a particular Mexican song form, the corrido, and its role as a vehicle for communicating the news and other important events. Students will be introduced to the causes and outcomes of the Mexican Revolution by learning about key figures. This lesson will culminate in the students creation of original corridos based on current events.
Grade Level

Chips and Salsa: A Taste of Mariachi Music for the High School Orchestra

Elizabeth J Knighton, University of Washington

Through this set of lesson segments, students will engage with the mariachi music of Mexico through discussing audio and video clips, listening to individual instruments within ensemble and imitating them by ear, and through playing an arranged mariachi piece. Note: Music will need to be purchased from Smithsonian Folkways website to accompany the lessons.
Grade Level

The Fight for Texas and the Mexican-American: A Case Study of Conflict

In this lesson, students will understand the political, social and economic conditions that the United States and Mexico faced in events leading up to the fight for Texas and the Mexican-American war. They will understand the importance of nationalism and its connection to conflict.
Grade Level

The Bracero Program: A Case Study of Cooperation

In this lesson, students will learn about the Bracero Program and its goal of resolving a labor shortage in the U.S. Students will examine the theme of cooperation in the establishment of the Bracero program and evaluate multiple perspectives on the controversial event. This lesson will prompt students to consider the interdependence of Mexico and the United States in the context of labor migration. Note: Photos aren't included in materials but can be easily searched online.
Grade Level

Nortec: Fusion of Old Meets New

Stephen Davis, Brian Jones, Angela Jurado

In this lesson, students will engage in meaningful conversations about their knowledge, experience and opinion of Nortec music. Students will interpret the meaning and history of Nortec music along with their knowledge of border issues. A final product will be created based on the fusion of old and new elements in the borderlands.