Language Arts

Foods of Latin America Project

Sam Heywood

Students will learn about different regional dishes in Latin America in groups and create a simple presentation to share what they learned with the class. This is a simpler version of the same lesson available for high school students. This is mainly a cultural lesson that can be used in a Spanish language class, but there are suggestions to incorporate Spanish language instruction throughout. This is highly adaptable and a great way to learn about Latin American cultures!
Grade Level

Foods of Latin America: A Project Based Learning Experience

Sam Heywood

Students will spend time researching both individually and as a group different dishes of Latin America to understand their cultural and historical significance. The lesson culminates with a presentation by students framed as a project proposal to share with the class what they have learned about their respective food. This is mainly a cultural lesson that can be used in a Spanish language class, but there are suggestions to incorporate Spanish language instruction throughout. This is a highly adaptable lesson and a great way to learn about Latin American cultures!
Grade Level

Analysis Worksheets

Education Staff, National Archives and Records Administration

This document consists of 5 different worksheets that analyze different mediums. The mediums analyzed include maps, written documents, cartoons, photos and posters. These are a great way to have students reflect on what they are reading or studying. Great for taking notes and organizing information gathered from different mediums in the classroom.

Project Gutenberg's Through the Brazilian Wilderness by Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

This e book is the primary account of Theodore Roosevelt and his expedition through the Brazilian "wilderness". His main concerns were mamma-logy and ornithology and is a great read to compare to how Brazil is represented now versus before.

The Free Trade Love Triangle: Prospects for the FTAA and EU-Mercosur FTA

Gaspare M. Genna, University of Texas at El Paso

This paper examines the current trade talks between the European Union, Latin American countries and the United States. This triangular relationship is complex and this paper tries to display the implications of these negotiations and the impact of China in Latin America.

Resource Center of the Americas: Books for Spring 2001

Resource Center of the Americas

This resource lists curriculum resources and books to be used in the classroom. Most are for purchases but are categorized based on resources, curricula, grade school books, middle school books, high school books, books about Latinos and Latinas specifically, books about immigration and migration workers and books on the Caribbean. This list is great to look at as it gives the summary of each book.

La Lengua Maya en El Contexto Sociolinguistico de la Peninsula de Yucatan

Miguel A. Guemez Pineda

This paper is fully in Spanish and aims to display the current state of the Yucatan Maya and the Mayan Language in relation to Spanish and other indigenous languages present in the Yucatan Peninsula. The marginalization of the Yucatan Maya is discussed and how development has furthered that marginalization within the region.

Introducing Ecuador Booklet

This booklet is a great resource to use when teaching about Ecuador. A map of Ecuador is included, along with background on the history, people, geography, economy and current situation of Ecuador. This booklet focuses on the future of children in Ecuador and how history has shaped how children will grow up in today's Ecuador.