We provide funding opportunities for both Latin American Studies graduate students and also graduate students in all disciplines interested in working in Latin America.
Tinker Summer Field Research Grants
The Tinker Foundation supports travel expenses for master’s and pre-dissertation fieldwork in Latin America during Summer (May through August). Applicants who plan to complete an M.A. or Ph.D. thesis will be given priority over students who plan to utilize an examination option to complete their degree. Tinker applicants must comply with UA Human Subjects requirements.
Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowships
Summer and academic year funding to support language study in Portuguese or indigenous Latin American languages.
Peter T. Johnson Summer Study and Research Scholarship
Provides support for field research in Latin American and the Caribbean for master's theses and doctoral dissertations. Students in any discipline are welcome to apply.
Edward J. Williams Research Scholarship
This scholarship provides annual summer research scholarships of $200 to $500 to undergraduate or graduate students conducting research in an area related to Williams’ academic interests: U.S.-Mexico border issues; comparative border issues relating to Mexico and Latin America; Mexican politics, public policy or contemporary Mexican history; and U.S.-Mexico relations.
SBSRI Grant Opportunities
The SBS Research Institute provides grant opportunities for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Graduate Assistantships and other Financial Aid
The Latin American Studies department makes financial aid offers in conjunction with the admissions process based on the strength of the applicant's record. After reviewing all application materials and ranking applicants, our admissions committee determines the best financial aid package we can offer to each admitted student. We offer some type of financial aid to every one of our admitted students, such as partial or complete tuition waivers and graduate assistant positions for teaching, research, or outreach. In addition, our students are regularly hired by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese based on nominations from the Latin American Studies department. We also have fellowships to which students can apply once enrolled, such as the Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship.