
Nortec: Fusion of Old Meets New

Stephen Davis, Brian Jones, Angela Jurado

In this lesson, students will engage in meaningful conversations about their knowledge, experience and opinion of Nortec music. Students will interpret the meaning and history of Nortec music along with their knowledge of border issues. A final product will be created based on the fusion of old and new elements in the borderlands.

On the Plains of Orinoco: Joropo Music in Colombia

Rebekah L. Thompson, Pennsylvania State University

In this lesson, students will investigate life on the Colombian Orinoco Plains through the exploration of Joropo music. Activities include Spanish attentive listening, cultural enrichment and musical interaction through singing,playing and moving. Note: Music used in lesson will need to be purchased from Smithsonian Folkways website.
Grade Level

Understanding Brazil through Literature and Music

Dororthy Winburne, Austin Independent School District

In this unit, students will explore literature and music to gain an awareness and understanding of the history, people and culture of Brazil. Students will have the opportunity to listen to various types of Brazilian music and will make connections to the cultural and historical significance of these music forms. At the end, students will conduct research and present a final project that creatively brings together what they have experienced and what they have learned.
Grade Level

Bonkers for Bailecitos in Bolivia

Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Middle Tennessee State University,

In this series of three lessons, students will exercise critical listening, singing, dancing and playing instruments to traditional music of Bolivia. They will improvise rhythms, compose a song, and draw connections across a wide variety of disciplines. Note: Samples of music will need to be purchased from the Smithsonian Folkways website to accompany the lesson plans.
Grade Level

Corridos Unit

Dr.Celestino Fernandez, University of Arizona

Reading and slides by Dr. Celestino Fernandez who is apart of the Sociology Department here at the University of Arizona. Use reading and slides in information to assist with teaching about corridos. Email our Outreach Coordinator Clea Conlin at for access to the reading and slides.
Grade Level

South American Adventures

This lesson plan contains two lesson plans and additional information about South America including worksheets on different topics. In the first lesson, students will become familiar with physical maps and their functions, identify key mountain peaks of the Andes mountains of South America and use algebraic thinking to solve equations using positive and negative numbers. In the second lesson, students will become familiar with political maps and their functions, identify capital cities of South American countries and use algebraic thinking to solve equations using positive and negative numbers.
Grade Level