Central America

Foods of Latin America Project

Sam Heywood

Students will learn about different regional dishes in Latin America in groups and create a simple presentation to share what they learned with the class. This is a simpler version of the same lesson available for high school students. This is mainly a cultural lesson that can be used in a Spanish language class, but there are suggestions to incorporate Spanish language instruction throughout. This is highly adaptable and a great way to learn about Latin American cultures!
Grade Level

Foods of Latin America: A Project Based Learning Experience

Sam Heywood

Students will spend time researching both individually and as a group different dishes of Latin America to understand their cultural and historical significance. The lesson culminates with a presentation by students framed as a project proposal to share with the class what they have learned about their respective food. This is mainly a cultural lesson that can be used in a Spanish language class, but there are suggestions to incorporate Spanish language instruction throughout. This is a highly adaptable lesson and a great way to learn about Latin American cultures!
Grade Level

Situational Sacredness: Temporary Ritual Space and Authority in Ancient and Modern Honduras

E. Christian Wells & Karla L. Davis Salazar, University of South Florida

This paper follows field research that bridges the disciplines of Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Economics. The focus is on collectivist pre-capitalist labor practices and religious ceremonies among both Lenca and Mayans in the contemporary Honduras.

Siestas and Fiestas: Images of Latin America in the United States History Textbooks

Patricia O'Conno, Nancy J. Nystrom

This resource explains that the United States education system is heavily dependent on textbooks. Therefore, it is important to have correct images that reflect Latin America in the most accurate way possible so that teaching about Latin America can be transparent and understandable. A good reading to assign to students to better understand misconceptions of Latin America through the lack of accurate images in textbooks or can be read by teacher to better understandthe topic of biases and inaccuracies relating to teaching Latin American studies.

Map of 10 Countries in Latin America compared to the U.S.

Latin America Today: An Atlas of Reproducible Pages, World Eagle, Inc.

This resource provides an image displaying the size comparison between Mexico and several other Latin American countries to the United States. This is a good tool to use when teaching about geography and demographics.

Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity: The Costa Rican Case

Michael J. Miller

This paper examines environmental politics and ideology in the country of Costa Rica. Costa Rica has always been a leader in implementing convention on Biological Diversity. This paper explains how Costa Rica was able to enact a law so thoroughly and why Costa Rica has felt inclined to protect its forests and biological diversity.