A Folktale of Slavery: Negrinho the Cowherder
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_Language Arts_A Folktale of Slavery, Negrinho the Cowherder.pdf
Reading a 19th Century Description of a Slave Auction
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_Social Studies_Reading a 19th Cent Description of a Slave Auction.pdf
Search for the Lost Cave People
Central America_History_Search for the Lost Cave People.pdf
Virtual Tour of Ecuador
Scott Wilkolaski |
Ecuador_Language Arts_Vitual Tour of Ecuador.pdf
Shipwrecked Between Countries
Lucia Nunez, Stanford University |
Haiti_Social Studies_Shipwrecked Between Countries.pdf
Spanish Missions in Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona
Latin America_Social Studies_Spanish Missions in Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.pdf
Using Ads to Study U.S. Influence in Latin America
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Latin America_Social Studies_Using Ads to Study U.S. Influence in Latin America.pdf
Understanding the Mayan Number System
Mexico_Culture_Understanding the Mayan Number System.pdf
When Corrido Lyrics become History
Jeff Gudenkauf |
Mexico_Social Studies_When Corrido Lyrics Become History.doc
Construction of a "Zafa-Casa"
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Peru_Art_Construction of a Zafa-Casa.pdf
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Peru_Social Studies_MiniDrama.pdf
Let's Tour Caracas
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Venezuela_Geography_Let's Tour Caracas.pdf
Argentine Leatherwork
Gloria Contreras, The University of Texas at Austin |
Argentina_Art_Argentine Leatherwork.pdf
Half a Loaf
Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz |
Carribean_Social Studies_Half a Loaf.pdf
Perspectives on American Involvement in the Civil War in El Salvador
Eric Shapiro, The Masters School |
El Salvador_History_Perspectives of American Involvement in El Salvador During the 1970s and 1980s.pdf
Comparing Texas and Latin America
Karen Deane Moore |
Latin America_Social Studies_Comparing Texas and Latin America.pdf
Ancient Maya: Knowledge Through Art
Kathleen Heady |
Mexico_Art_Ancient Maya Knowledge Through Art.pdf
Journaling about the Borderlands of Arizona
Lori Tritz |
Mexico_Language Arts_Journaling about the Borderlands.doc
Afro-Brazilian Music and Rituals: From Traditional Genres to the Beginnings of Samba
Jose Jorge de Carvalho, University of Brasilia |
Afro-Brazilian Music and Rituals Working Paper.pdf
Corridos: Story of the People Reading
Celestino Fernandez |
Corridos Stories of the People Reading.pdf
Aztec Mosaics Coloring Book
Mindware Online |
Aztec Mosaics Coloring Book.pdf
Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity: The Costa Rican Case
Michael J. Miller |
Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity, The Costa Rican Case.pdf
Map of Panama Canal Zone
Latin America Today: An Atlas of Reproducible Pages, World Eagle Inc. |
Map of Panama Canal Zone.pdf
Siestas and Fiestas: Images of Latin America in the United States History Textbooks
Patricia O'Conno, Nancy J. Nystrom |
Siestas and Fiestas, Images of Latin America in United States History Textbooks.pdf
Foods of Latin America Project
Sam Heywood |
Foods of Latin America.pdf
Social Empowerment Through Non-Profit Arts Organization s in Brazil
Maria Luisa Echavarria |
Brazil_Social Studies_Social Empowerment through Non-Profit Arts Organizations in Brazil.pdf
Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz |
Latin America_Social Studies_Retraidos.pdf
Taste Some Brazilian Foods
Mennonite Central Committee |
Brazil_Food_Taste Some Brazilian Foods.pdf
Regions of Chile Using the 5 Themes of Geography
Chile_Geography_Regions of Chile Using 5 Themes of Geography.pdf
Latin American Poets
Latin America_Language Arts_Latin American Poets.docx
US-Mexico Board Game
Mexico_Art_US-Mexico Board Game.pdf
History and Evolution of the Mariachi
Richard R. Obregon |
Mexico_Music_History and Evolution of Mariachi.pdf
Danca! Movement and Music of Brazil
Jessica Blackwood from the University of Washington |
Brazil_Music_Danca, Movement and Music of Brazil.pdf
Learn about a Salvadorian Craft
Mennonite Central Committee |
El Salvador_Art_Learn about a Salvadoran Craft.pdf
Create a Creature
Laura Candler |
Latin America_Art_Create a Creature.pdf
Mask Traditions of Mexico
Dedos de Luna, Elementary Literature Series |
Mexico_Art_Mask Traditions of Mexico.pdf
Corridos and Story Writing
Tracy Banker-Murtadza |
Mexico_Language Arts_Corridos and Story Writing.doc
Ada's Violin Curricular Resource
Erin Lierl, Tulane University |
Paraguay_Language Arts_Ada's Violin Curricular Resource.pdf
Bolivia Family Relationships Teacher's Guide
Latin American and Carribean Series |
Human Geography and Brazil: More than Samba and the Rain Forest
Mary K. Smith, Bedichek Middle School |
The Gaucho Poem Martin Fierro
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Argentina_Language Arts_The Gaucho Poem Martin Fierro.pdf
Inflation, Depression, Economic Recovery
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_Economy_Inflation, Depression and Economic Recovery.pdf
A Ge Indian Creation Myth
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_Language Arts_A Ge Indian Creation Myth.pdf
The Favelas of Rio: A Dramatization
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Brazil_Social Studies_The Favelas of Rio.pdf
Bulletin Board Display: The Banana, From Guatemala to your Table
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Central America_Social Studies_Bulletin Board Display of The Banana, From Guatemala to your table.pdf
People and Their Impact on the Environment
Catherine Hall, Crane Middle School |
Ecuador_Social Studies_People and their Impact on the Environment_0.pdf
Mural on Post-Columbian Exchange
Virginia G. Gibbs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Latin America_Art_Mural on Post-Columbian Exchange.pdf
Mapping the Languages of Latin America
Virginia G Gibbs, University of Wisconsin-Milkwaukee |
Latin America_Language Arts_Mapping the Languages of Latin America.pdf
Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz |
Classroom "Tianguis" or Marketplace
Virginia G. Gibbs |
Mexico_Food_Classroom Marketplace.pdf