Resources Table

Title Author Date Attachments Tags
A Folktale of Slavery: Negrinho the Cowherder Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_Language Arts_A Folktale of Slavery, Negrinho the Cowherder.pdf
Reading a 19th Century Description of a Slave Auction Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_Social Studies_Reading a 19th Cent Description of a Slave Auction.pdf
Search for the Lost Cave People Central America_History_Search for the Lost Cave People.pdf
Virtual Tour of Ecuador Scott Wilkolaski Ecuador_Language Arts_Vitual Tour of Ecuador.pdf
Shipwrecked Between Countries Lucia Nunez, Stanford University Haiti_Social Studies_Shipwrecked Between Countries.pdf
Spanish Missions in Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona TUSD Latin America_Social Studies_Spanish Missions in Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.pdf
Using Ads to Study U.S. Influence in Latin America Virginia G. Gibbs Latin America_Social Studies_Using Ads to Study U.S. Influence in Latin America.pdf
Understanding the Mayan Number System Mexico_Culture_Understanding the Mayan Number System.pdf
When Corrido Lyrics become History Jeff Gudenkauf Mexico_Social Studies_When Corrido Lyrics Become History.doc
Construction of a "Zafa-Casa" Virginia G. Gibbs Peru_Art_Construction of a Zafa-Casa.pdf
Mini-Drama Virginia G. Gibbs Peru_Social Studies_MiniDrama.pdf
Let's Tour Caracas Virginia G. Gibbs Venezuela_Geography_Let's Tour Caracas.pdf
Argentine Leatherwork Gloria Contreras, The University of Texas at Austin Argentina_Art_Argentine Leatherwork.pdf
Half a Loaf Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz Carribean_Social Studies_Half a Loaf.pdf
Perspectives on American Involvement in the Civil War in El Salvador Eric Shapiro, The Masters School El Salvador_History_Perspectives of American Involvement in El Salvador During the 1970s and 1980s.pdf
Comparing Texas and Latin America Karen Deane Moore Latin America_Social Studies_Comparing Texas and Latin America.pdf
Ancient Maya: Knowledge Through Art Kathleen Heady Mexico_Art_Ancient Maya Knowledge Through Art.pdf
Journaling about the Borderlands of Arizona Lori Tritz Mexico_Language Arts_Journaling about the Borderlands.doc
Afro-Brazilian Music and Rituals: From Traditional Genres to the Beginnings of Samba Jose Jorge de Carvalho, University of Brasilia Afro-Brazilian Music and Rituals Working Paper.pdf
Corridos: Story of the People Reading Celestino Fernandez Corridos Stories of the People Reading.pdf
Aztec Mosaics Coloring Book Mindware Online Aztec Mosaics Coloring Book.pdf
Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity: The Costa Rican Case Michael J. Miller Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity, The Costa Rican Case.pdf
Map of Panama Canal Zone Latin America Today: An Atlas of Reproducible Pages, World Eagle Inc. Map of Panama Canal Zone.pdf
Siestas and Fiestas: Images of Latin America in the United States History Textbooks Patricia O'Conno, Nancy J. Nystrom Siestas and Fiestas, Images of Latin America in United States History Textbooks.pdf
Foods of Latin America Project Sam Heywood Foods of Latin America.pdf
Social Empowerment Through Non-Profit Arts Organization s in Brazil Maria Luisa Echavarria Brazil_Social Studies_Social Empowerment through Non-Profit Arts Organizations in Brazil.pdf
Retraidos Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz Latin America_Social Studies_Retraidos.pdf
Taste Some Brazilian Foods Mennonite Central Committee Brazil_Food_Taste Some Brazilian Foods.pdf
Regions of Chile Using the 5 Themes of Geography Chile_Geography_Regions of Chile Using 5 Themes of Geography.pdf
Latin American Poets Latin America_Language Arts_Latin American Poets.docx
US-Mexico Board Game Mexico_Art_US-Mexico Board Game.pdf
History and Evolution of the Mariachi Richard R. Obregon Mexico_Music_History and Evolution of Mariachi.pdf
Danca! Movement and Music of Brazil Jessica Blackwood from the University of Washington Brazil_Music_Danca, Movement and Music of Brazil.pdf
Learn about a Salvadorian Craft Mennonite Central Committee El Salvador_Art_Learn about a Salvadoran Craft.pdf
Create a Creature Laura Candler Latin America_Art_Create a Creature.pdf
Mask Traditions of Mexico Dedos de Luna, Elementary Literature Series Mexico_Art_Mask Traditions of Mexico.pdf
Corridos and Story Writing Tracy Banker-Murtadza Mexico_Language Arts_Corridos and Story Writing.doc
Ada's Violin Curricular Resource Erin Lierl, Tulane University Paraguay_Language Arts_Ada's Violin Curricular Resource.pdf
Bolivia Family Relationships Teacher's Guide Latin American and Carribean Series
Human Geography and Brazil: More than Samba and the Rain Forest Mary K. Smith, Bedichek Middle School
The Gaucho Poem Martin Fierro Virginia G. Gibbs Argentina_Language Arts_The Gaucho Poem Martin Fierro.pdf
Inflation, Depression, Economic Recovery Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_Economy_Inflation, Depression and Economic Recovery.pdf
A Ge Indian Creation Myth Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_Language Arts_A Ge Indian Creation Myth.pdf
The Favelas of Rio: A Dramatization Virginia G. Gibbs Brazil_Social Studies_The Favelas of Rio.pdf
Bulletin Board Display: The Banana, From Guatemala to your Table Virginia G. Gibbs Central America_Social Studies_Bulletin Board Display of The Banana, From Guatemala to your table.pdf
People and Their Impact on the Environment Catherine Hall, Crane Middle School Ecuador_Social Studies_People and their Impact on the Environment_0.pdf
Mural on Post-Columbian Exchange Virginia G. Gibbs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Latin America_Art_Mural on Post-Columbian Exchange.pdf
Mapping the Languages of Latin America Virginia G Gibbs, University of Wisconsin-Milkwaukee Latin America_Language Arts_Mapping the Languages of Latin America.pdf
Choices Pedro R. Bermudez and Barbara C. Cruz
Classroom "Tianguis" or Marketplace Virginia G. Gibbs Mexico_Food_Classroom Marketplace.pdf