
Brazil: Lost in the Rainforest

Luke and James Vyner

In this lesson students will learn about the Amazon rain forest by practicing listening skills and identifying a variety of tropical animals. For this lesson you will need to download 4 tracks to listen to of sounds found in the Amazon. These tracks can be found on the website OnestopEnglish.com under the Teenagers tab, click Brazil Lost in the Rainforest. This is a very fun way to teach about the Amazon as it includes sounds for students to listen to and practice listening skills.
Grade Level

Bolivia Family Relationships Teacher's Guide

Latin American and Carribean Series

In this guide, teacher's can utilize information ranging from Bolivian greetings, important Bolivian vocabulary, learning from a Bolivian fact sheet, reading profiles on Bolivian children, reading famous Bolivian tales and learning how to make a Bolivian craft. Fully immerse your students in Bolivian culture with this lengthy guide. Email our Outreach Coordinator Clea Conlin at cconlin@email.arizona.edu for access to the document.
Grade Level

Migration Simulation

Staff of Borderlinks and CLAS at University of Arizona

This simulation game and the discussion it generates will help participants gain some understanding of the factors that lead many to leave their families and homes, making the difficult and risky decision to migrate. The focus is on migration across the U.S. and Mexican border. Email our Outreach Coordinator Clea Conlin at cconlin@email.arizona.edu for the full document .